Our paper “HyperDetect: A Real-Time Hyperdimensional Solution For Intrusion Detection in IoT Networks” has been accepted to be published in the IEEE IoT Journal (impact factor 9.936). Congratulations Junyao.
[HOST 2021] Accepted Paper: HW2VEC: A Graph Learning Tool for Automating Hardware Security
Our paper “HW2VEC: A Graph Learning Tool for Automating Hardware Security“ has been accepted to the IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (HOST’21), 2021. Congratulations Louis and Rozhin.
[NSF grant: 09/2020 – 08/2022] Title: In-Sensor Hardware-Software Co-design Methodology of the Hall Effect Sensors to Prevent and Contain the EMI Spoofing Attacks in the Analog-RF Systems
This is a single PI proposal. We are funded to develop a secure Hall effect sensor. See our USENIX 2020 paper to understand the research challenges and the limitations of the existing Hall effect sensors.
[ICCAD 2020] Accepted Paper: IoT-CAD: Context-Aware Adaptive Anomaly Detection in IoT through Sensor Association
Our paper “IoT-CAD: Context-Aware Adaptive Anomaly Detection in IoT through Sensor Association” has been accepted to IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD 2020). Congratulations Rozhin and Felix.
[Transportation Research Part B] Accepted Paper: “Security Analysis for Fixed-Time Traffic Control Systems”
Our paper titled “Security Analysis for Fixed-Time Traffic Control Systems” has been accepted for publication in Transportation Research Part B (impact factor 4.796). Congratulations Anthony Lopez. Other Author of this paper is from Institute of Transportation System (UCI), Prof. Wen-Long
[USENIX Security 2020] Accepted Paper: “Hall Spoofing: A Non-Invasive DoS Attack on Grid-Tied Solar Inverter”
Our paper “Hall Spoofing: A Non-Invasive DoS Attack on Grid-Tied SolarInverter” has been accepted to USENIX Security 2020. Congratulations Anomo.
[IEEE ITS 2020] Accepted Paper: “Channel State Information Based Cryptographic Key Generation for Intelligent Transportation Systems”
Our paper titled “Channel State Information Based Cryptographic Key Generation for Intelligent Transportation Systems” has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (impact factor 5.744). Congratulations Soheyb, Kelvin, and Arnav.
[ITSC 2020] Accepted Paper: “Eve, You Shall Not Get Access! A Cyber-Physical Blockchain Architecture for Electronic Toll Collection Security”
Our paper “Eve, You Shall Not Get Access! A Cyber-Physical Blockchain Architecture for Electronic Toll Collection Security” has been accepted to the International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC) 2020. Congratulations Anthony and Ahmed.
[DSN 2020] Accepted Paper: ” Leaky DNN: Stealing Deep-learning Model Secret with GPU Context-switching Side-channel”
Our paper titled ” Leaky DNN: Stealing Deep-learning Model Secret with GPU Context-switching Side-channel” has been accepted to the IEEE International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN 2020, acceptance rate 16.5%). Congratulations to Yicheng.
[IEEE Access 2020] Accepted Paper: “Sabotage Attack Detection for Additive Manufacturing Systems”
Our paper titled “Sabotage Attack Detection for Additive Manufacturing Systems” has been published to the IEEE Access Special Section on Additive Manufacturing Security. Available here: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8984311
Media Coverage: New Scientist, “The perfect heists that involve stealing nothing at all”
https://www.newscientist.com/article/2087863-the-perfect-heists-that-involve-stealing-nothing-at-all/ (Geoff Manaugh)